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88th Legislative Priorities

The State of Texas's 88th Legislative Regular Session began Tuesday, January 10, 2023. During the January 23, 2023 Carroll ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, the Board considered the Carroll ISD Legislative Priorities for the 88th Texas Legislative Session and approved the item 6-0 as presented.

Special Session Details

  • The Texas legislature did not pass any bills to increase school funding during the 88th regular session earlier this year

  • They are currently in the middle of a third special session, and as of yet, school finance has not been added to the agenda

  • The Senate has passed two bills - SB 1 & SB 2, focused on vouchers and a small increase for items like teacher retention bonuses and safety mandates, but the proposed increases are not enough to account for the impact of inflation

  • These bills will go to the House, where they will either pass, fail, or be amended

  • Our Senate and House are divided over vouchers and the governor has indicated he will not add school finance to the call until the Senate and House agree on a voucher bill

*subject to change during the Special Session

CISD Financial Update - CISD isn’t alone

While the revelation of these financial challenges may feel like a shock, it’s actually a state-wide problem that has been building for some time, with many of our peer and neighboring districts experiencing similar hardships.

Texas is ranked 38th in the nation for funding its public schools. Furthermore, within the state of Texas, Carroll ISD is the 4th lowest funded school district in the state based on the Texas state funding formula. 

The facts are clear. Operational costs continue to rise and school districts across the state are facing financial challenges. Carroll ISD has been actively advocating during this legislative session for an increase to the basic allotment. An automatic annual adjustment would allow the basic allotment to reflect the fluctuating costs of public education and reduce recapture. To keep in step with rising operational costs, necessary cost of living increases for our Dragon staff, and growing staff healthcare premiums, this legislative priority is critical!

Districts across Texas are making tough decisions as we wait on our representatives to update school funding. In fact, here are a few districts going public with similar financial challenges and decisions. 


Clearly, CISD isn’t alone in facing these financial challenges, and we are doing everything we can to find solutions, by first urging our legislators to remedy the insufficient state funding formula. You can join us in doing so by visiting and taking just a moment to contact your representatives.

Carroll ISD has asked our legislators to prioritize the following issues:

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Did You Know?
Click here to learn more about CISD school finance.


88th Legislative Priorities