CBE Dates and Registration
K-12 Credit by Exam Dates & Registration Information
The costs of the CBE are paid for by the district. Therefore, please carefully consider your schedule to ensure your child can be present the day of the exam and gather input from your child's teacher and/or counselor as to whether or not they are a candidate for acceleration. Obtaining study materials and preparing for CBE testing is the sole responsibility of the parent and/or student. Carroll ISD will only provide CBE testing on the dates published in the table below; there are no exceptions. If you have missed a deadline or the dates do not work with your schedule, you have the option of requesting to make arrangements on your own through University of Texas High School or Texas Tech University High School in conjunction with an approved testing site. If you are interested in arranging an outside CBE, please visit with your campus counselor. Placement in a new course will only occur before the beginning of a school year, regardless of when a CBE for acceleration is taken. Click here for more Frequently Asked Questions.
Registration Deadline |
Credit by Exam Dates |
Online Registration Form Links |
November 2, 2024 |
Testing Window
CBE Registration: Grades 6-12
CBE Registration: Grades K-5
January 9, 2025 |
Testing Window
April 30, 2025 |
June 3, 2025 EXAMS will be taken in person. Exception: AVANT foreign language exams will be at home (online proctored exams with a testing window.) |
June 4, 2025 |
July 15, 2025 EXAMS will be taken in person. Exception: AVANT foreign language exams will be at home (online proctored exams with a testing window.) |
Carroll ISD uses Avant for testing all languages other than English and the University of Texas High School for all other Credit by Exams
Study guides for UTHS exams may be found at https://highschool.utexas.edu/credit_by_exam.
Registering for Outside Courses or CBEs
- If a student currently in GRADES 6-12 needs to register for an outside CBE (not registering for a district provided testing date) or online correspondence course, please contact your campus counselor. All outside CBE and courses must be completed by August 1st.
If you have any questions about taking a CBE through Carroll ISD please contact the district Counseling Coordinator, Deborah Warner at deborah.warner@southlakecarroll.edu .