Grievance/Complaint Process
CISD requests parents, guardians, and students to follow the CISD parent complaint process should they have issues, concerns, or problems of any kind. Addressing issues in this direct fashion allows the best opportunity for a timely investigation and resolution.
The District’s desire and the first step in the formal complaint process, is to solve issues informally. If the complainant is not satisfied after discussing their concerns with the appropriate person, they may initiate the formal grievance process at any time.
Please note that the definition of days “Days” per board policy shall mean District business days, unless otherwise noted. In calculating timelines under this policy, the day a document is filed is “day zero.” The following business day is “day one".
CISD Grievance/Complaint Process
Informal Process
If you have gone through the previous informal steps of problem solving and have not received a satisfactory resolution, you may then move to the formal grievance process detailed in Board Policy 6.14.7 summarized below.
Though informal resolution is the preferred path to resolution, you may file a formal complaint at any point in steps 1 - 3 above or before taking steps to resolve the matter informally. Beginning the informal process within 15 days of the incident satisfies the timelines of the complaint as described in Level I below.
This process requires notification via a Level I Complaint form (which is located in the Level I section below) submitted to the campus principal either in person or via email or This form requires identification of the specific remedy being sought.
If it becomes necessary for a complaint under board policy to be addressed in a Level III hearing before the Board of Trustees, the hearing will be scheduled within 90 days of the date the Level One complaint was received by the District unless extenuating circumstances arise or otherwise agreed to by the parties.