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When will I know my schedule and teachers? 
Students will know their unofficial schedule by the end of the current school year. Final schedules (along with teacher names) will be available right before school begins in August. 

If I have questions about Arena Scheduling, who should I contact? 
Students should contact their counselor with any questions or concerns.

What if I don't have Internet access? 
All students will have access to the library if they have no other internet access.

Will I be able to schedule dual credit courses? 
Students will be able to schedule dual credit classes in the same manner as which they selected their other classes. 

Will I be able to schedule classes at the medical academy? 
Students will be able to schedule CMA classes in the same manner as which they selected their other classes.

I have an IEP. Will I create my own schedule? 
A caseworker will work with students with an IEP to find the student's desired classes for the next school year. Counselors and caseworkers will create the schedule for students with an IEP in order to meet each student's specific needs.

Will students be able to access Skyward through a mobile device? 
Skyward Mobile is not available to enter course requests nor complete arena scheduling.

What about course prerequisites? 
Students and parents should refer to the Academic Planning Guide (APG) for course sequencing and prerequisites. The APG is available to view here. Make wise choices! 

Tryouts (for sports and other clubs)...what if I don't make it? 
Students will create their schedule as if they are going to make the sport/club they are interested in. Students will be able to request alternate courses and will have the option of substituting those classes in the event that they do not make the sport/club of their choosing.

If I create my schedule, will the school change it? 
Counselors may need to make adjustments to student schedules as needed. Adjustments may be necessary due to course prerequisites, class size, educational record, and/or staffing changes. 

How do I know if what I am requesting is what I need for graduation? 
Counselors will review course requests and graduation requirements. They will then make sure each student's requested courses are in alignment with graduation requirements prior to students being able to create their own schedule.

How do I find my Skyward Student Access login ID and password? 
The login information for Skyward Student Access is the same as when students log in to check grades, attendance, etc. If a student has misplaced this information, it may be requested from Rhonda Riney at the Senior High or Heather Loomis at the High School. 

Can a parent create their child's schedule? 
No. Schedules may only be created through Student Access within Skyward.

Once I create my schedule, can I change my classes? 
There are two adjustment periods: June 6-9, 2017 and August 1-4, 2017. No schedule changes will be accepted after August 4, 2017 to solidify class sizes and accommodate new student enrollments. Please make wise choices. 

Do I get to pick my lunch?

Do I get to pick my teachers?
No. Teachers’ names will not be made available during the Arena Scheduling process

What if I missed my registration window? 
If a student misses his/her registration window, a schedule will be created for that student by the appropriate counselor.

When can I create my schedule? 
Timelines for each grade level are posted. Students will be able to create their schedule only within the assigned dates and time limits.