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Elementary G/T

Kindergarten: During the first semester, GT Specialists provide whole class lessons and small group activities designed to expose students to divergent, convergent, evaluative, and visual thinking.  Kindergarten students are provided enrichment activities throughout the school year.  The GT teacher will go into the general education classrooms providing creative and problem solving activities for students.  Kindergarten students who qualify for GT services will begin receiving pull-out instructional time after March 1.

Identified kinder students receive Gifted and Talented services through a weekly pullout program. GT Specialists guide students through a conceptual understanding that people use self-knowledge, interest, and strengths to relate to the world around them. 

Grades 1-4: Gifted and Talented students in grades 1 through 4 are served through Quest, a weekly pull out program. The Quest curriculum includes interdisciplinary enrichment units which provide opportunities for learners to study advanced content and develop independent projects. These project based learning units are modeled after the Texas Performance Standards Projects. GT Specialists facilitate learning in the Quest classroom by challenging students to draw upon their conceptual learning in English language arts and reading, mathematics, science, and social studies to create meaningful connections. Through these connections students are encouraged to view the world in a more global manner.


Referral Dates:

  • Grade 1-4  - August 26, 2024 @ 8:00am to September 10, 2024 @ 3:00pm
  • Kindergarten - December 2, 2024 to December 17, 2024

The deadline for referrals is September 10, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.  There are no exceptions to the deadline.

K-4 Contacts: 

  • CES - Jessica Echos
  • JES - Allyson Dickinson 
  • OUES - Renea Wainwright
  • RES - Cindy Kennemer
  • WGES - Lisa Timmerman 

Elementary GT YAGS

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade

Grades 5-6: Gifted and Talented students in grades 5 through 6 are served through GT English language arts and GT social studies interdisciplinary studies. Starting with the 2020-2021 school year, students identified as gifted and talented can also be identified GT in science as well.  GT Specialists inspire students to make connections between their learning and the real world. Students are provided opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop an understanding of global challenges and the impact on the world around them. Students are expected to use critical thinking skills to solve problems, communicate ideas and understandings, collaborate with peers, and create meaningful products to demonstrate deep and complex learning.

A referral must be submitted to the campus before a student can be considered for testing. 

DIS Test Date - TBD - GT Referral Window opens
                          Please click here for the referral form
                           TBD - GT Referral Window closes
                           TBD- Current Students GT Testing 
                           TBD - New Students GT Testing, Two Day Testing (TBD)
Contact: Kim Ray

DIS GT Specialists are Social Studies – Vicky Sympson (5th), Shannon Shabanaj (6th)
                                        Language Arts - Sharon Mooring (5th), Jeanette Carr (5th), Jessica Anderson (6th), Kathryn Baker (6th)
                                        Science - Bryena Hood (5th), Wendy Oliver (6th)

EIS Test Date -  TBD - GT Referral Window opens
                           Please click here for the referral form
                          TBD - GT Referral Window closes
                           TBD - Current Students GT Testing
                          TBD - New Students GT Testing & Math Placement, Two Day Testing
Contact: Natasha Caillet  

EIS GT Specialists are Social Studies - Lorin Jorgenson (5th), Natasha Caillet (6th)
                                        Language Arts - Suzanne Moore (5th), Colleen Aldridge (6th)
                                        Science - Becca Calvert (5th), Laura Grissom (5th),Tracey Dearing (6th)
                                       Math - Katie Snodgrass (5th Accelerated), Ashley Davis (5th Compacted), Nancy Calvin (6th Accelerated),
                                                    Laura Rodriguez (6th Compacted)

Please note: GT testing for current CISD students is for possible GT placement only and has no bearing on current math placement.

Transfer Students: Transfer students who have previously received Gifted and Talented services will be considered for services in CISD within one month from the date of registration or within one month of the first day of school if registration occurs in the summer. Gifted and Talented records will be requested from the previous school to determine if additional assessment is required.

G/T Testing Information