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Instructional Materials Review and Approval Process

TEA has established a new process for approval of textbook resources adopted by districts called the Instructional Materials Review and Approval process or IMRA. This process replaces the former system, most recently used by districts during the Science adoption,  to adopt new educational resources. The Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process is an annual system for evaluating and approving instructional materials used in Texas schools. Established by House Bill (HB) 1605 in 2023, its aim is to ensure that educational resources are of high quality, appropriate for their grade level, and aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). This process is designed to enhance the quality of education by using only the best materials.

The Texas Education Agency is currently in the process of inviting educational stakeholders (educators, parents etc.) to review and give feedback of submitted textbook resources up for adoption in the 2025-2026 school year.

Carroll ISD Curriculum and Instruction Department believes parents should be well informed about all educational processes and we invite our Dragon parents to review those resources and provide feedback to TEA using the link below:

SBOE IMRA site (to find the materials under review currently):

The following link is some other important information for stakeholder review

HB 1605 and IMRA timeline:

Texas Resource Review:


If you have any questions, please reach out to the CISD Curriculum and Instruction department.