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Physical Education / Health

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Physical Education Program

In accordance with board policy, the district will ensure that students in elementary school engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day or 135 minutes per week.

Students in middle or junior high shall engage in 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day for at least four semesters OR at least 225 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity within a two-week period for at least four semesters.

Fitness Gram

Senate Bill 530 requires that the FITNESSGRAM physical assessment be administered to all students in grades 3-12. FITNESSGRAM is a health-related fitness assessment developed by The Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research and is a research-based criterion referenced test. For more information regarding the Fitness Gram assessment, please click here.

The district will conduct a physical fitness assessment of students in grades 3-12 annually. If a student cannot participate in the two-week assessment window due to a medical condition, the students must present a signed excuse from the physician prior to the testing date. At the end of the school year, a parent may submit a written request to the campus administrator to obtain the results of his or her child's physical fitness assessment conducted during the school year.

Other Information

Off Campus Physical Activity (OCPA)

Parent Letter for Health Instruction

Physical Education/Health