Click here to view Carroll ISD purchasing levels matrix.
Prospective Vendors
Carroll ISD Purchasing supports the procurement needs of the District. As a government entity, Carroll ISD must utilize competitive procurement methods in spending categories that exceed a prescribed annual spending volume. The Purchasing staff assists campuses and departments in obtaining the products and services necessary to serve our students by finding existing approved vendors or by gathering and composing Bids, Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications and developing approved vendor lists.
To Become a Purchasing Approved Vendor for Carroll ISD
Your company will need to register on our vendor registration website. It is a simple process, go to the link below:
Click on Supplier Registration (on the right hand side) and follow the screens to register. This will add your company to our list of vendors who will be notified IF / WHEN we go out to bid for your specific services and/or materials. It does not make you an approved vendor, but allows you to be notified when we are in the bid process.
Another option for you is to become a member of one of the purchasing cooperatives that Carroll ISD is a member of; these cooperatives are used by school districts through out the state of Texas. By becoming a member and meeting their guidelines you would have access to do business with Carroll ISD as well as many more districts around the state of Texas.
- 1GPA
- Centeral Texas Purchasing Alliance
- ChoicePartners
- ESC 2 - Goodbuy Cooperative
- ESC 6 - EPIC6
- ESC 8 - TIPS
- ESC 10 - CN Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative
- ESC 10 - EdTech Exchange
- ESC 10 - Equalis Group
- ESC 11
- ESC 14 - NCPA
- ESC 16 - TexBuy
- ESC 19 - Allied States Cooperative
- ESC 20 - PACE Cooperative
- Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC)
- OMNIA Partners (Formerly US Communities)
- PCAmerica
- Sourcewell
- Tarrant County Purchasing
- Texas Smart Buy
If you are already a member of one of these cooperatives and wish to do business with Carroll ISD, please send an email to our Purchasing Department and let them know the name of the cooperative and the contract number you are doing business under.
Any questions on vendor registration or upcoming procurements, please contact:
CISD Purchasing - purchasing@southlakecarroll.edu or 817-949-8275