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How to Update Health Information

Click here to login to Skyward family access to begin the update.

  1. Enter your login ID and password.
  2. If you have more than one child in CISD, select the student whose record you would like to update. 
  3. Next select Student Info from the menu bar on the left of the screen.
  4. At the top right of the screen, select Request Changes.
  5. From the Student Information dropdown menu, select the type of information you would like to update. For Example, Health Information
  6. Enter the new or updated health information in the appropriate text box & then press Save.
  7. After you click Save, Skyward will send a notification to your child's school bure, informing them that there has been an update in health information that is waiting for review. If you have a time sensitive or urgent update to share with you school nurse, it is recommended that you call her directly.