2024-2025 Transfer Application
How do I know if I need to fill out a Transfer Applications? If you are not the homeowner or current lessee of a property zoned for Carroll ISD (the District), you will need to fill out this application annually. If you are a homeowner or current lessee of a property that you have not established residency in at the time of enrollment and have the required documentation for occupancy.
Types of Transfer Applications: New and Renewal Applications, CISD resident Grandparent of non-resident student, City of Southlake/Town of Westlake Open Enrollment, Inter-District, Family in Residence, CISD Employee (20+hours a week), and City of Southlake First Responder(Police, Fire, EMT, CISD SRO),. If you are unsure which application to choose, please contact Student Services here.
Carroll ISD is proud to offer the opportunity for students that do not live in the district to enroll through our transfer application process. These enrollments must fall under the Board approved transfer allowances listed above. Transfer students are accepted on a space-available basis only. Students interested in becoming part of our Dragon family are encouraged to submit an online transfer application or contact the Student Services Office or the appropriate campus for more information.
Under Texas Education Code 25.001, a district may choose to accept, as transfers, students who are not entitled to enroll in the district. Under TEC 25.036, a transfer is interpreted to be for a period of one school year. Carroll ISD maintains a transfer policy requiring nonresident students wishing to transfer to file a transfer application each school year. These enrollments must fall under the Board approved transfer allowances listed above. In approving transfer requests, the availability of space and instructional staff, the student’s disciplinary records, and attendance records are also evaluated by the Superintendent or designee.
Please note that the Transfer Application is being utilized by both new and returning transfers and the parent/guardian will be able to choose the appropriate selection on the application.